Increase in payments for BanglaKids children from 1 January 2022

Dear donors, as of 1 January 2022, we are forced to increase the amounts of donations for children in the BanglaKids program after 7 years. This is due to inflation, the effects of the covid-19 pandemic and a noticeable increase in the price of staple foods in Bangladesh, especially rice. By increasing contributions we will maintain the ability to provide children with a nutritious diet.
Depending on the category of support, this is between 4 EUR and 8 EUR per month. You could say that one lunch in a restaurant in the Czech Republic, which you don't buy for yourself once, helps to provide food for a whole month for children in Bangladesh.
What amounts will apply from 1 January 2022 for each category?
-> CHILD in a village/city school: 28 EUR/month
-> CHILD in boarding school: 34 EUR/month
-> ORPHAN at boarding school: 38 EUR/month
-> STUDENT at university: 44 EUR/month
More information about the content of each category can be found here.
Please adjust your payments.
At the same time, we ask you to sign a new contract with the increased amount, which we will send to you, and send it back to us scanned by e-mail or by post to the address below.
ADRA, o.p.s. – BanglaKids
Markova 600/6
158 00 Praha
Czech Republic
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
If you have any questions, please contact the coordinator of the BanglaKids programme, Mrs. Šárka Hejnáková (+420 733 169 637,, who will be happy to help you.
We hope that you will continue to support the children of poor families in Bangladesh.
Yours sincerely
BanglaKids team