Love in a backpack brightens Christmas for children in Bangladesh
The Joy Bag brought Christmas joy to children in Bangladesh. Thanks to your generous donations, the children received Christmas gifts at the end of the year - child-friendly, sweet and practical. They were wrapped in a simple rucksack with the BanglaKids logo and slogan: Love from your sponsors. So what did the children receive in December?
Gifts for all children
Boys received a tennis ball, a yo-yo, a pencil case, pencils, pens, toothpaste and a toothbrush. They also received 3 pieces of sweet energy in the form of biscuits and wafers. They also received a small nail clipper. For the girls, the tennis ball and yo-yo were replaced by headbands, barrettes, hair ties and even a small plush toy. We even saw a Pikachu! :)
In the village schools, we distribute Christmas gifts to all the children, whether they are sponsored or not. This encourages healthy relationships within the whole village community. Christmas gifts for children in boarding schools are provided by various organisations. In addition to colourful backpacks from the ADRA BanglaKids programme, supported by Czech and Slovak donors, you can see others on the campuses, such as those with the AsianAid label from Australian donors or Child Impact from donors in the USA.
And the children? They are the same all over the world. A gift brightens their eyes, brings a smile, and brings great joy and happiness.
Thank you for making a difference to the lives and futures of children in Bangladesh.
Contribute to the Money-Box-of-Joy
Donors ask how they can make things better for the children
The Money-Box-of-Joy has been a savings piggy bank for children for more than 5 years. Once a year, we break it and buy gifts for all children and orphans in the BanglaKids program. The keyword here is all. We do not want to evoke unpleasant feelings in the children and create tension in their relationships by giving gifts to some and not others. The Joy Jar brings joy to all children!
In the past, buying gifts was a big topic for us. From individual gifts, we switched to collective ones through the Joy Jar. This article nicely maps the history, prehistory, and current practice.
This is our response to occasional donor inquiries about individual gifts, which we understand as an expression of your relationship with the child you support. However, individual gifts are not the best way to gift Bangladeshi children. The Joy Jar is, as it serves all children.
Thank you for your support and the joy you generously give to the children.
Contribute to the Money-Box-of-Joy