Magical Warm Christmas Gifts for Children

Money-Box-of-Joy as Santa Claus has once again brought joy to the children of Bangladesh this Christmas. So much so that some of the smaller children couldn't even bear it literally. In addition to cookies, they received something really great, useful and warm. Do you know what it was?
We'll let you know right away. Every child received a new warm blanket. And that really counts. Last January, the temperature in usually hot Bangladesh dropped below 10°C and it was really cold in the unheated houses. We are so happy that the children will not be so cold this year. This is thanks to you, our donors. Your solidarity and love has taken a tangible, warm form that has brought smiles to the children's faces.
Gifts for all children
In the village schools, we distribute Christmas gifts to all the children, whether they are sponsored or not. This helps to foster healthy relationships within the whole village community, and for the children it's not only a joy but also an opportunity to feel equal. Children are the same all over the world - gifts make their eyes light up, bring smiles, and bring great joy and happiness.
Thank you for helping to improve these children's winter, their lives and their chances of a better future. Your support truly changes their world.
Contribute to the Money-Box-of-Joy
Money-Box-of-Joy – a reliable means of spreading joy
The Money-Box-of-Joy has been a savings bank for children for over 6 years. Every year we collect funds which are used to provide concrete gifts for all the children and orphans in the BanglaKids programme. And the word ALL is crucial. We do not want to create unpleasant feelings or tensions in relationships by giving gifts to some children and not to others. The Money-Box-of-Joy brings joy to all children!
The history and present of the Money-Box-of-Joy shows how individual gifts have gradually grown into a powerful collective action that supports unity and equality. We would like to address the occasional questions you may have about individual gifts. We see them as an expression of a personal relationship with the child you are supporting. However, individual gifts are not always the best way to support children in Bangladesh (see this article). The Money-Box-of-Joy ensures that all children, without exception, receive gifts.
Thank you for your generosity, love and support, which helps the children so much.
If you wish, you can contribute to the Money-Box-ofJoy and help the children to have a better winter and many happy moments.