Child Sponsorship
BanglaKids provides education to disadvantaged children in Bangladesh
BanglaKids is a long-term development children sponsorship program of ADRA Czech Republic. We provide education to children and young people from resource-poor families in Bangladesh and strive to improve their living conditions. Thus we help to alleviate poverty and suffering.
Thanks to you, our donors, we have provided education to more than 8,000 Bangladeshi children. With your help, we are paving a path to a better future.
At BanglaKids, we mostly focus on education. However, we also provide children and their families with food support and medical care, renovate school facilities, and improve access to safe water. You can learn more about these projects here.
Our long-term goal is to support schools and local communities so that they can become more self-sufficient and less dependent on external support.
What is our motivation?
We like children and we believe that education is one of the most efficient means of poverty alleviation that opens new opportunities for young people. Through education, they can get a better paid job, develop themselves and help their entire families.
Over 35 million people in Bangladesh live on less than 2,15 USD per day, which is below the poverty line declared by the UN. Just a little over half of all adults can read and write. Cheap labor with low and unstable income is often the only option for illiterate people. Poverty becomes their fate, handed down from one generation to another. By providing education to children we try to change this situation.
How can you get involved?
Look up information abou children who do not yet receive support on our website. Choose the child (or children) you would like to support and become their sponsor. Through regular donations to ADRA, you will provide children with the opportunity to study at village or boarding schools. Our team will take care of the administration and everything else necessary.
What is the cost of sponsorship?
ADRA Czech Republic supports children at various types of schools in Bangladesh. You can choose to support a child in one of the following categories according to the age and family situation of the child.
CHILD at a village or a city school: 29 EUR/month
Your support will provide: tuition, school supplies, one warm nutritious meal per day, basic medical care, and one school uniform per year.
CHILD at a boarding school: 35 EUR/month
Your support will provide: tuition, school supplies, three warm nutritious meals per day, basic medical care, accommodation, one school uniform per year.
ORPHAN* at a boarding school: 39 EUR/month
Your support will provide: tuition, school supplies, three warm nutritious meals per day, basic medical care, accommodation, one school uniform per year, clothes and shoes, hygiene products, etc.
STUDENT at the university or college: 45 EUR/month
Your support will provide: tuition, school supplies, three warm nutritious meals per day, basic medical care, accommodation, one school uniform per year.
*Children whose parents are alive but for various reasons cannot take care of them are also regarded as orphans.
What have we achieved?
The collaboration of you, donors, with ADRA in the BanglaKids program has had positive outcomes. Since 1999, we have managed to:
- provide education to over 8,000 children and young people in Bangladesh at 43 village schools, 7 boarding schools, 15 slum schools, and 1 city school;
- renovate and furnish 42 school buildings;
- build 1 new village school;
- bring electricity to 5 village schools using solar energy;
- build water treatment facilities and wells with water tanks in 2 boarding schools, and renovate wells in 9 village schools;
- train 848 teachers.