Our Partners

We are very fond of all of our donors and partners. Thanks to them, children in Bangladesh can get education. It does not matter whether they contribute monthly or whether they donate higher sums of money at once. The importance of the donation is not in the amount of money but in the love and interest in children’s lives. Someone can give less, someone can give more, but we all give something from their heart.

Dear donors, we highly appreciate your support. In the name of all children in our program, we would like to thank you for your charity.

Here, we would like to present logos of the donors whose donations exceeded the amounts donated usually. 


The rich should help the poor and the poor even the poorer.

BanglaKids is a development program of ADRA Czech Republic.
Since 1999 we have provided education to 8,000 children in Bangladesh.
Together, we’re giving them an opportunity for a better future.

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