Sponsorship Costs

ADRA Czech Republic supports children at various types of schools in Bangladesh. You can choose to support a child in one of the following categories according to the age and family situation of the child..

   CHILD at a village or a city school: 29 EUR/month

Your support will provide: tuition, school supplies, one warm nutritious meal per day, basic medical care, and one school uniform per year.

   CHILD at a boarding school: 35 EUR/month

Your support will provide: tuition, school supplies, three warm nutritious meals per day, basic medical care, accommodation, one school uniform per year.

   ORPHAN* at a boarding school: 39 EUR/month

Your support will provide: tuition, school supplies, three warm nutritious meals per day, basic medical care, accommodation, one school uniform per year, clothes and shoes, hygiene products, etc.

   STUDENT at the university or college: 45 EUR/month

Your support will provide: tuition, school supplies, three warm nutritious meals per day, basic medical care, accommodation, one school uniform per year.

*Children whose parents are alive but for various reasons cannot take care of them are also regarded as orphans. 

Together we help children live better lives.

BanglaKids is a development program of ADRA Czech Republic.
Since 1999 we have provided education to 8,000 children in Bangladesh.
Together, we’re giving them an opportunity for a better future.

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