Raj Sarkar

Raj Sarkar

boy 6 years

  • Sex: Boy
  • Birthdate: 26.03.2018
  • ADRA ID: AC-KASH-6451

Hi, my name is Raj and I am one of the children from Kashimnagor village school who have been included in the sponsorship program. The reason is simple: although the surroundings of our village are beautiful and we live together in peace and tranquility, there is no proper source of livelihood. Someone has a small field here and there, but even that barely supports them. There is no money left for the children's school fees, which is why you can see my medallion and the profiles of my classmates. We all hope that there will be a kind donor who will contribute to our tuition fees. I'm in the second grade, I'm doing well, and I'm always good-humored and cheerful at school. And I'm unhappier when I go outside the village with my parents - maybe at least to the market or some new place. Obviously it doesn't happen often, but traveling is just great.

Monthly support 29 EUR

BanglaKids is a development program of ADRA Czech Republic.
Since 1999 we have provided education to 8,000 children in Bangladesh.
Together, we’re giving them an opportunity for a better future.

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