The AHTSS boarding school is located in the mountains in the south-east of Bangladesh, about 60 km far from the city of Chittagong in the province of the same name. It was established in 2000. Students can study there up to the 10th grade. The school grows various kinds of fruit and vegetables, and keeps fish. In 2013, we dug a new well there, and built 2 water tanks. Students and school employees therefore have an access to quality drinking water. AHTSS is a school with the largest tribe and language diversity among its students. Children come from various tribes from the area of Bangladesh bordering with Myanmar (Burma). Many of them cannot speak Bengali. This fact causes difficulties for them in the beginning of their education; therefore, they sometimes have worse results in lower grades. However, these students later receive some of the best results in the tests, giving evidence of the high quality that AHTSS school has.

GPS: 22° 21.771'N 92° 08.616'E

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BanglaKids is a development program of ADRA Czech Republic.
Since 1999 we have provided education to 8,000 children in Bangladesh.
Together, we’re giving them an opportunity for a better future.

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